Privacy Policy

This policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes how Mr.Nuggs/Mister Nuggs collects and uses the information of its users. This Privacy Policy applies each time a user accesses the Mr.Nuggs/Mister Nuggs website and uses its services, regardless of whether or not a purchase is made. By using and accessing the website or registering and/or making purchases on the website, you accept the terms of this Privacy Policy.

When you use the website, we may collect your personal information (data that personally identifies you), or aggregate information, concerning your use of the website and your account activity (e.g., number and times of logins, most frequently visited pages, IP address, etc.), which does not personally identify you.

The website uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) software and similar encrypting systems to protect your information when you purchase products on the website. Only employees, contractors and agents of the website operator may access user information on a need to know basis. While we make reasonable efforts to ensure your information is processed and stored in a secure manner, we cannot guarantee the security of data transferred over the Internet and you assume the risk of any such transfer.

You may update, correct, or remove your personal information at any time by contacting us at We may ask that you identify yourself and the information you wish to change or delete for security purposes, and we will comply with your request as soon as reasonably possible. By removing some of your information, you may not be able to access some of the website’s features. We may keep some of your personal information if required by law and/or for recordkeeping purposes.

Mr.Nuggs/Mister Nuggs respects our customers' account information as private and confidential information and will never share this information with any outside affiliations or individuals.